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Playing Games When Internet Disconect..Try It

Boring when internet connection disconect..Try this solution

Whem you enjoying surfing in cyberspace but suddenly your conection is disconect..wah you really disappointed and want to kill somebody yah..But you really dont worry, mrven will provide a solution for you,this way can make you not emotion and boring again  when the Internet connection is lost.

The first thing to consider is
the browser that you used, the tips will be given special android users browser either chrome or pc. So I'm sorry for other browsers
The first step is to make sure you are the type of browser chrome 38.0.2125.122 up, how to click the icon rows of three existing top-right corner of your chrome, select settings / settings, then select about / concerning. See how many versions of your chrome browser.

See Your Chrome Version After making sure that the chrome you enter the above specifications we go how to play, when the network disconnect on your laptop the first thing to appear is the picture page grieve but you dont be grieve too, press the "space" and the display will show the icon black dinosaur, press the button again "space "and safely play games dino chrome. The aim of the game is just past obstacles like cactus and crows, you can use the up and down direction pad to direct his dino.

How to Play the Game Dinosaurs in Android Smartphone
1. Make sure your existing android phone google chrome browser.
2. Change the mode you andorid phone to Airplane mode or shut down the Internet connection or Wi-Fi signals in the mobile andorid you.
3. Open the google chrome browser and internet connection let you in offline conditions.
4. Try to type something on the menu google chrome or type in ""
5. Then came the dinosaurs or t-rex in your google chrome browser, while the condition of android phone is offline.
6. Tap (tap) the dinosaurs, to start the game.

This Is My High Score,Can You Beat It..
7. Tap again in order to jump to avoid cactus prickly Dinosaurs
8. If the game over, tap again to repeat the game.

This chrome dino game will not stop until your internet connection so that the road does not have to bother to refresh the page when you're playing, the game will immediately stop when the connection back smoothly.

A few tips and tricks from mrvensite visit mrvensite to see tips and other interesting info.

Boring saat koneksi internet putus..ini solusinya

Lagi bersurfing ria di dunia maya tapi tiba-tiba koneksi internet nyandet..wah emosi tingkat dewa banget kan..tapi jangan khawatir,mrven akan memberikan solusi bagi kamu agar tidak emosi dan boring saat koneksi internet terputus.
Hal pertama yang harus diperhatikan ialah browser yang kamu pakai,tips yang akan diberikan khusus pengguna browser chrome baik android atau pc. Jadi untuk browser lain maaf ya
Langkah pertama ialah pastikan browser chrome kamu merupakan tipe 38.0.2125.122 ke atas,caranya dengan klik icon baris tiga yang ada dipojok kanan atas chrome kamu,pilih setting/setelan,kemudian pilih about/tentang. Lihat versi berapa browser chrome kamu.
Setelah memastikan bahwa chrome anda masuk spesifikasi diatas kita lanjut cara memainkannya,ketika jaringan diskonek pada laptop anda hal yang pertama kali muncul ialah gambar page bersedih tapi anda jagna ikut bersedih,tekanlah “spasi” maka akan muncul icon dinosaurus hitam,tekan lagi tombol “spasi” dan selamat memainkan dino chrome game. Tujuan dari game ini hanya melewati rintangan yang ada seperti pohon kaktus dan burung gagak,kamu bisa gunakan tomol arah atas dan bawah untuk mengarahkan dino nya.

Cara Memainkan Game Dinosaurus di Hp Android

1.Pastikan di hp android kamu sudah ada browser google chrome.
2.Ubah mode hp andorid kamu ke mode Airplane atau matikan sambungan internet atau sinyal Wi-Fi di handphone andorid kamu.
3. Buka browser google chrome dan biarkan sambungan internet kamu dalam kondisi offline.
4.Coba ketik sesuatu di menu google chrome atau ketik “”
5.Maka muncullah dinosaurus atau t-rex di  browser google chrome kamu, saat kondisi hp  android sedang offline.
6.Ketuk (tap) dinosaurus tersebut, untuk     memulai permainan.
7.Ketuk lagi agar Dinosaurus melompat                menghindari kaktus berduri
8.Jika game over, ketuk lagi untuk mengulang        permainan.

Game dino chrome ini takkan berhenti sampai koneksi internet kalian jalan sehingga tidak perlu repot refresh page saat sedang main,game akan langsung berhenti saat koneksi kembali lancar.Sekian tips dan trick dari mrvensite kunjungi terus mrvensite untuk dapat tips dan info menarik lainnya

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